We share a love of the plant and respect for the lab. Each of our team has deep roots across the industry. We represent equipment and supply. Our goal is to use our diverse skills to bring the best tools and techniques to lab professionals everywhere

We provide high quality, actionable, hands-on education to laboratory professionals here at home and around the world. Refined courses offer both conceptual instruction, applicable to a wide range of laboratory equipment, as well as hands-on, specific demos. We structure each class to the needs of the local market to best showcase our sponsorship partners.

Build your network by engaging with our students, local lab partners and area influencers in-country or remotely. We welcome sponsors to join us at all of the events but we know that isn’t always possible. Trust us, as seasoned lab professionals, to carry your banner and evangelize your brand.

Our students are motivated and engaged. We are extraction experts and our students are hyper focused on refinement techniques and tools. They are learning, growing and scaling right now and need equipment and supplies to build. Let’s go meet your next market together.




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